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TRIM之T-DNA構築具有追蹤標籤、啟動子捕捉及強化子,因此,可利用正向及反向遺傳(forward reverse genetics)方法研究穀類基因的功能。




(3) 篩選不同生長條件下才呈現的突變性狀,以進一步研究基因在不同生長條件下的功能。

(4) 利用GUS染色法,尋找生長時期及組織表現專一性之啟動子。

Management and Value-Added Applications of the Taiwan Rice Mutant Library and Database

ØThe TRIM mutant-library has multiple functions such as gene activation, knockout, and promoter trapping:

The T-DNA construction of TRIM mutants has tags, promoter trapping and enhancers, so forward and reverse genetics approaches can be used to study the function of cereal genes

ØTRIM library and database- Multifunctional technical platform for basic research and crop molecular breeding:

(1) Find mutant lines of the genes of interest.

(2) Use mutant phenotype to study the functions of related genes.

(3) Use mutant lines to study the function of genes under different growth conditions (abiotic or biotic stresses).

(4) Use the GUS staining method to find growth stage and tissue-specific promoters.

Copyright by ASPGC, 2003~2017; TRIM, 2017~2024 | Last Updated: June 2024