本研究團隊利用T-DNA插入法,建立台灣水稻插入性突變種原庫(Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutant Database, TRIM),2003-2015年共建立超過100,000個基因缺失或活化之水稻突變品系,解析65,000個T-DNA插入點兩側的DNA序列,幾乎每一個水稻的基因都可在TRIM內找到突變品系,結合突變株性狀資料,建立突變基因資訊的TRIM資料庫平台。藉由這些重要的資源提供極有用的平台以利用正向或反向遺傳學方法研究水稻基因功能。TRIM種原庫及資料庫可供篩選具有抗病蟲害、抗逆境(乾旱、高鹽、高低溫、淹水等)、及高產量的新品種水稻,極具學術與應用價值,素以高品質與方便搜尋使用而漸受國際重視與信賴,是全球僅有四個類似的重要研究資源中,被認為品質最佳者,且與韓國並列為全球最重要的可公開申請兩個水稻突變種原庫。已有許多國內外生技公司及研究室索取突變種子為研究材料,也與數個國內外學術機構正進行合作計畫中,並產出多項重要發表及專利等成果。
Rice is one of the most important staple food crops in the world. Taking advantage of the knowledge and experience of rice functionalgenome research, we have combined modern and traditional technologies, to improve and breed new varieties of rice and other cereal crops for enhancing resistance and maintaining grain yield in an unstable global climate.
Almost 20 years ago, our research team has generated a rice mutant(Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutant Database, TRIM) library following a T-DNA insertional mutagenesis approach. Approximately 100,000 gene knockout or activation mutant lines have been generated, and 60,000 flanking sequences of T-DNA insertion sites in the rice genome have been determined. A database containing flanking sequences and mutant phenotypes has been established and is made available to the public via a well-designed website. These resources are extremely useful for rice functional genomics research following either forward or reverse genetics approaches. The TRIM library and database have been well-recognized and gained recognition in the international plant science community. Furthermore, it is one of the only two (Taiwan and Korea) gene activation mutant libraries available to the public in the world. Currently, seed orders come from all over the world and dozens of novel genes have been identified due to the use of TRIM library, and we have generated a number of important publications and patents
Copyright by ASPGC, 2003~2017; TRIM, 2017~2024 | Last Updated: June 2024